
I don't know if you have heard of this new phenomenon but Tyler introduced it to me.
According to Wikipedia here is the definition:

Planking or the lying down game is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the internet is an integral part of the game.[1] Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play.[1] The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank.

We decided to give it a try. Leave your comment here and tell us who you think has the better plank.

We found this guy zonked out on the beach so we thought it would be funny to see how close Tyler could get to him and plank. While he did get sand all over his face I think I have the more difficult plank.

Tell us what you think!

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