Worlds Best 10K

This past Feb I ran the WB10K. It is called the worlds best 10k and I definitely think it was the best! So much fun, the weather was great and it was beautiful. Maybe next year I can get Tyler to run it with me. Cheer him on for me and maybe he'll do it. I finished in 52:00 which is a little faster than I expected. My original goal was under 55 so i'm happy with the outcome!
After the Race
So many people there it wasn't even funny. Over 15,000 here just for a 10k.

Easter Spring Break

Tyler's Family came to Puerto Rico a couple weeks ago for Spring Break. This was the "Easter Fishing Trip". It was a long awaited trip because Tyler was dying for someone other than clueless me to go fishing with. I am a good time but I'll admit, when it comes to those slippery suckers I have no clue what I'm doing. Basically the men fished and the women relaxed:) It was nice because when you live here you get caught up in life and forget to relax sometimes even though you have the beach right there.

They mostly fished in the San Jose lagoon that Tyler and I go to and here is what Lyle caught. They said it weighted over 100 lbs...Yikes that is one monster that I would not want to mess with.
The second picture shows what the Tarpon did to our boat. (Look at the floor and all over their feet...You guessed it...the fish defecated all over EVERYTHING!)
We went down to the south side of the island for a day and the men dropped Dee and I off on our own little private island while they fished around.

Three Stooges
Before the trip Lyle got the three of them matching shirts and pants so they could be triplets! This was their get up!


They decided to switch from being the three stooges to being easter eggs!
You got to love Fishermen in Pastel

We did get to do some sight seeing as well. We went up to the Castillo San Felipe Del Morro in old San Juan and it was beautiful. This was built over 500 years ago and a huge portion of it is still standing. Here is the view from the west side of the castle.

The entrance

Believe it or not this is the view from the Women's Bathroom!
All in all it was a wonderful week. To sum up the fishing you can watch this video!

Tofu Disaster

It is always a craze to eat healthier cook healthier and so forth. We are so crazed about dieting and fat free foods that it consumes our minds. I am not a lot different than many people who follow this craze. I am always trying to find ways to sneak healthier food into our diet, while cutting back on the meat at the same time. I am not a huge meat eater however I married a carnivore. Every meal I try to do without meat the response is always "where's the meat". So... I decided to try a tofu stir fry dish for dinner tonight. It's even better because you get all the benefits from the protein and bone-healthy minerals, but you skip the saturated fat and cholesterol. I have wanted to try cooking with tofu for quite some time but I have always been so nervous.

Finally... I gave it a shot....let me just tell you I totally ruined the dish with my sauce and I think Tyler will never forgive me for this. By that I mean he may NEVER eat tofu again. I know there are plenty of dishes that I could make with tofu that would come out great, I just happened to pick the one that was the WORST!! Tyler was a good sport however and ate the disaster anyway...Lucky for me he will shovel anything down before telling me it's bad bless his heart. Thanks Babe! Not until I say it's bad is it bad:) luckily for him I threw the dish out and we made a pizza instead. Turned out great for him because Pizza is his favorite.

My Birthday

So My Birthday was just over a month ago and I wanted to show off my birthday present. After all, I am now 25 years OLD and counting the wrinkles next to my eyes. I will admit 25 is a little depressing because even though the years are racking up, I don't feel a day over 21. I know, big difference huh? Any who, I ride my bike to work and during the winter months it is wonderful. With the summer coming and the humidity and temperature climbing I started to get a little worried about how I might be showing up to work drenched in sweat. So...for my birthday Tyler got me a baja doodlebug mini bike! It is pretty fun to cruise around on and it's just the perfect size for me.