So the boys got to play intermural football this season and with a team full of amazing athletes they managed to pull off the championship for Creighton. After that we all got to go down to Lincoln and the boys played in the regional intermural football tournament. It was pretty fun, we got to go to lunch and have Panda Express since it is not in Omaha. Believe it or not...unlike Omaha, it's actually warm when it is sunny in Lincoln so it made it very enjoyable.

Tyler fell on his knee pretty
hard so they rushed
over the first aid team
to his rescue and iced it
all better.


Marshall and Dana said...

Hey, email me your email address so that I can add you to our private blog. My email is Thanks!

Morgan & Jared Hochstettler said...

When did you start your own baby line? You are such the entreprenuer! I'll definitely place some orders with you when I have a girl. Or if you can make some boy beenies or mittens, I'll take those too ;o)